This portion of the Sea of Dreams is dedicated to my digital portfolio. You may notice that it is styled in CSS, an extremely powerful tool for designing functional and aesthetically pleasing webpages. I encourage those who are interested in CSS to view and experiment with the code which I have made available; however, keep in mind that I myself am a novice at best when it comes to keeping up with the rapidly changing standards in digital media.
As always, helpful comments are appreciated. The link to the feedback form is located in the footer of each page.
What's Where?
This portfolio is divided into three main sections:
This is the page currently in view. It contains a description of the digital portfolio as well as information on its author.
This is the main focus of this website. My portfolio contains information on the degrees I received from Alma College as well as my resumé, lists of activities I have participated in and honors I have earned, essays, several of the multimedia projects I have created, and more.
On this page, one will find several links to external sites not included in my portfolio section. Many of these links point to web projects I created for previous classes; the others lead to my weblog, to my online art gallery, and to webpages where my multimedia projects are available for the world to see.
Begin Portfolio Tour →
Who Is Mare Somniorum?
In short, Mare Somniorum is my online alter ego as well as my world of quiet introspection.
Born and raised around Lansing, Michigan, I am currently a student attending Alma College. I recently graduated summa cum laude with a degree which I personally crafted, entitled "Digital Media Technologies." I am also majoring in Music and will finish the last requirements for both degrees in the Spring of 2006. In the meantime, however, I intend to keep myself occupied with several multimedia projects and extracurricular activities.
It is my hope that by inviting others into my Sea of Dreams, they will not only receive an accurate impression of the skills I have honed during my various courses of study, but that they will more importantly come to understand my goals, my interests, my work ethic, and me on a more personal level in general.
The pages contained within this portfolio serve as a testament to the many software applications that I have familiarized myself with and mark a significant growth in my skill set from the beginning to the end of my college career. The various artwork, essays, and media projects demonstrate my comfort with technology, if not the level of preparedness my unique degree has afforded me. I have spent a great deal of time and energy refining this portfolio and hope that visitors will find it not only functional, but solidly designed, aesthetically pleasing, interesting, and inspirational as well.
Please enjoy your time in the Sea of Dreams!